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Seitz, T., Meyer, S., Glaser, B. (2016). Potential Analysis of Biochar-Systems for Improved Soil and Nutrient Management in Ethiopian Agriculture. Report 1: State of the Art of Biochar Systems in the Tropics with a Focus on Sub-Saharan Africa.

Meyer S. (2014). Evaluation of ecological benefits and risks of biochar systems. Halle, Univ., Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät III, Dissertation

Meyer S., Glaser B., Fischer D., Quicker P.,  Noel Y., Kuffer G. (2014). Thermal Removal of Polycyclic Aromatic  Hydrocarbons from Gasification Biochars. Environmental Risk Assessment of Soil Contamination. Dr. Maria C. Hernandez Soriano (Ed.). ISBN: 978-953-51-1235-8, InTech, doi: 10.5772/57269

Meyer S., Bright R., Fischer D., Schulz H., Glaser B. (2012). Albedo Impact on the Suitability of Biochar Systems To Mitigate Global Warming. Environmental Science & Technology 46 (22):  pp 12726–12734, doi: 10.1021/es302302g

Meyer S., Glaser B., Quicker P. (2011) Technical, economical and climate related aspects of biochar production technologies: A literature review. Environmental Science & Technology 45 (22): pp 9473–9483, doi:10.1021/es201792c